The crop circle phenomenon.

For decades, unexplainable drawings have been found every now and again among the grains stalks in wheat, barley and rye fields.
They have become known as crop circles. The drawings are of various shape and can extend for many square miles. The term "cropglyph" has been coined as a substitute for the term crop circle due to the fact that the drawings have evolved from simple circles to more complex figures. The drawings come in various shapes and forms, but they can not be fully appreciated at ground level, and can only be seen to their full extent from the air. Even though the term "cropglyph" reflects the complexity of the drawings, the term "crop circle" is still used to classify the phenomenon.
Crop circles appear in fields of cereals: oats, wheat, barley or rye, or even in simple fields of grass. They usually appear from the end of spring, when the grain stalks have reached maximum height, until the end of summer, when the crops are ready for harvesti.
Crop circles are found sporadically and seem to appear out of nowhere. They seem to be created at lightning speed during the hours of darkness before being noticed the following day. However, there are some cases, like the one that occurred near Stonehenge, in which drawings materialize in the fields in broad daylight.
Crop circles represent an incontrovertible phenomenon that provides astonishing evidence of itself and arouses curiosity throughout the media and the public, but their origins are still unknown and who creates them is still a secret. Even though a lot of investigation has been carried out by official authorities and private individuals, the Circlemakers and the complex technology and methods they use to make these drawings still remain a mystery. Nor do we have the slightest idea as to the reason or purpose for their existence.
A large number of researchers, whose curiosity has been aroused by these strange occurrences, have looked for explanations, but we still do not have any definite information as yet. Numerous hypotheses have been formulated and in the future we could use them as a starting point for serious research into the phenomenon.

The Crop Circles of the Past.

Drawings in fields have already appeared in the past. The case of the "Harvesting Devil", a circle that was noticed in 1678 in Hertfordshire in England in a field of oats, is still famous today.
The event is mentioned in a pamphlet of the period, which states that the strange drawing was attributed to the work of the devil.
Another case is represented by the geo-glyphics on the plains of Nazca in Perů. Although they were created by excavating in the ground, these drawings of various animals, figures and geometrical sketches display similar characteristics to modern crop circles.
We also have documentation on stone circles, drawings made by laying out rocks, that date back to 1500aC in ancient China, discovered on the Chinese border with Mongolia, in the province of Qinghe.
Other more ancient crop circles seem to be those that are depicted in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, in an outdoor scene symbolizing the Land of the Departed.
Other figures traced by excavation in the ground, that can be likened to crop circles, may be identifiable in the large drawings on certain hillsides in the South of England, depicting human giants and animals, usually horses.
Last but not least, there is the large "Candelabra of the Andes", which was drawn on the slopes of a mountain during the era of Spanish colonization, according to the reports of the time "… in one night, by unknown presences that left no trace of their passage".
All of these works, like the modern day crop circles, can not be distinguished from close up, but can only be fully appreciated from the air.

The Modern History of a Phenomenon with no Explanation.

1- The English Season.

News articles of this and the previous century mostly report on crop circles in England. According to the English writer Raymond Drake, the phenomenon had already been mentioned at the begining of the 1900's, mainly by farmers in southern England who saw them appear unexpectedly in their fields. It was then another English researcher, Colin Andrews, who provided the first documented research on their appearances in the 1950's.
From the 1970's on, the phenomenon of the crop circles began to attract large scale public interest when the mass media reported the discovery of a circle in Wiltshire, (the County where Stonehenge stands). The crop circle was 5 meters wide and the grain stalks were bent in a clockwise spiral shape.
During the periods of these first reported findings the crop circles were generally no more than one or more simple circles that appeared in grain fields. The fact that they were circular suggested that they could have been caused by exceptional environmental or meteorological events or that they may have been the work of hoaxers who somehow managed to evade discovery by the authorities. The phenomenon seemed to occur only in England, especially in the neighbouring Counties of Wiltshire and Hampshire, just West of London, and this continued up until 1990.

2- Spreading over the Planet.

From 1991 onwards, the phenomenon spread from England and started to make news throughout the entire planet. Crop circles began to appear in the fields of many other countries around the world. Strangely, at the same time, from 1991 on, crop circles began to assume a more complex form, no longer consisting of just simple circles, but now also of various, quite complex, designs covering up to 10-20 thousand square meters on the ground.
The idea of the phenomenon being the result of environmental or meteorological interference was dismissed, since it was obvious that this was the work of some lucid intention to communicate by means of crop circle designs.
The term crop-glyph was coined, to describe the symbols traced in the fields, but the phenomenon in general is still referred to as examples of crop circles.
Today the number of findings over the entire surface of the planet has reached the thousands..

3- The current state of the crop-glyph art.

Today crop circles take the shape mainly of the sacred symbols of ancient cultures of our planet, from the Celts and the Native Americans way back to the ancient Sumerians. Some are in a form that refers to astronomical events or to modern mathematic and scientific discoveries. Some even exist symbolizing esoteric messages and mathematical principles of sacred geometry from Alchemy or other Initiatory Societies.

The manifestation in the Canavese region of Piedemont (Northern Italy)

On the 1st and 15th of June,2003,Crop circles were found in the Italy,in the Canavese region and south of the city of Ivrea.These were the first direct witnessed and documented cases in Italy.
At the same time,other crop circles were found in other regions of Italy.

  • in Lazio,central Italy, (6/9 at Capena, 6/15 at Sabaudia (latina), 6/16 at Tre Fontane (Rome))
  • in Emilia Romagna,north-central Italy, (5/19 at Loiano (Bologna), 6/14 at Ostiglia)
  • in Umbria,central Italy, (6/16 at Cortona (Arezzo), 6/30 at San Mariano (Perugia))
  • in the Marche region ,upper-south, (6/8 at Montegranaro (AscoliPiceno), 6/9 at Potenza Picena (Ascoli Piceno), 6/13 at Montegranaro (AscoliPiceno), 6/15 at Montegranaro (AscoliPiceno), 6/20 at Montegranaro (AscoliPiceno))
  • in Sardegna (4/2 at Settimo San Pietro (Cagliari), 7/8 at Pabilloni (Medio Campidano))
  • in Friuli ,nothern Italy,(20/5 at Ranzano (Pordenone))
  • in Tuscany (6(27 at Fornacette (Pisa))
  • Case would have it that Miriham Madau and Alberto Dovana,the founders of the three crop circles in the Canavese area,turned to the Ecospirituality Foundation;and by collaborating with this foundation they were able to obtain some important information about this phenomenon under many aspects.
    The news of thier first discovery dates back to June 1,2003 near Vische-Candia lake,when they found the first crop circle ,called the "Pictogram".
    On June 15,while taking an aerial survey of the area on request of the Ecospirituality Foundation,they found two other crop circles,"the Scale"(near the town of Perosa in the Canavese area of the city of Ivrea) and "the Sail"(near the town of Crotte-Ivrea).
    Thier intervention consented,in following surveyals of the three sites,the possibility of gathering an enourmous amount of useful and documental information about this subject:Vegetable,animal and other findings,along with soil samples gathered from the areas within and external to the drawings,the two collaborators also had the chance to take important video footage and photos that documented thier discoveries.This all occured before the farmers of the area destroyed the circles.
    Thanks to their help the Comission of Investigation of Fortian Phenomenon was able to undertake a serious work,analasis and research protocol on first person findings.


    The Medeveal Crop Circle
    of the "Farmer Devil" England,1678


    At the begining of the 1900's
    crop circles were basicaly
    only circles.


    Up untill 1990 crop circles
    depicted round shapes.


    The crop circle of Avebury
    Wiltshire - England, 1994


    The crop circle di Milk Hill,
    England, 2001


    The two crop-glyphs
    of Chibolton, England, 2001


    A crop circle
    seem by satelite,
    Rome, 2003 (Italy)


    The crop circle "the Pictogram",
    Canavese, 2003 (Italy)


    The crop circle "The Scale",
    Canavese, 2003 (Italy)


    The crop circle "the Sail",
    Canavese, 2003 (Italy)

    From the Book
    Triskel Editrice, 2003
    Giancarlo Barbadoro, Rosalba Nattero, Miriam Madau e Alberto Dovana